Sunday, March 31

Ellen of sunny side up offers her own do's and don'ts about blogging:

4. Also, don't write anything that would be potentially libelous. While you are free to say whatever you want, you will still be held responsible for your statements.

5. In a related note, always be wary with revealing personal information over the Internet. Not everyone who has a computer and an Internet connection can be trusted. Especially in cases of personal blogs where the content revolves around the owner's daily routine, it will be very easy to create a stalker's profile. So beware.

6. Don't obsess about your blog. Don't make it your life. A blog can be a reflection of your life, yes, but it shouldn't be a substitute for your life.

And in relation to point no. 6, I also find this especially interesting, since I've just spent 3 whole days without going online:

9. Don't make blogging a chore, or feel obligated to update your site every hour.

True. Only blog when there's something to blog about. And for all the potential stalkers in the vein of "Every Breath You Take" out there, you don't know me. You can't know everything about me through my blog. I assume we all have lives that need updating aside from our blogs.

And on that note, happy easter everyone.

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