Wednesday, November 5


Here are the objects of wrath of that "wonderful website:" [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]

My friends and I really felt sorry for the girl whose mother had cancer. She was really nice and I don't think that even given her progeny she deserved something as mean as that. Fashionable, schmashionable.

We were floating around theories yesterday as to who could be the culprit given the mailing list to which it was sent. It's definitely someone who's familiar with the whole CW program but who has now graduated, and knows most of the younger writers whom s/he hates with such villainy, and spouts just enough angst for perhaps not being made pansin by the older writers. S/he must also have too much idle time to actually concoct online vendettas.

That person/persons even had the gall to e-mail his list to another more established professor who writes a column for a broadsheet and serves for the university. Why that writer was spared probably means the culprit got a good grade in his class.

Ah, enough sleuthing for now.

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