Tuesday, May 24

Got any spare body parts to go?

If you have spare body parts you want to share, send them over to The Corpse Project, "a collection of visitor submitted images of the body."

I came across this site while padding around craigslist manila's "artists" category. The ad's subject line was "body parts sought" and the site itself did not really specify if the images have to be from a dead body. Besides, all the photos seem like warm flesh and blood to me. But I don't know. What do you think? Got any spare body parts to share? Hehe.

So far, that's the only interesting entry I've come across craigslist's manila presence although it's been up since this February, more or less ten years after Craig Newmark started his list in San Francisco in 1995. What started as a community based online classifieds expanded to 120 cities in 25 countries. You can read more about the site's history here.

In other cities, craigslists have been the source of very, very entertaining crusades, the place to go for hooking up or a chance to reconnect with that hot guy you were eyeing on the train. In the recent NYT article "Saw You, Want You," several missed connections postings have been turned into found poetry, wherein "[e]xcept for line and stanza breaks, they have been reproduced as they first appeared, and the titles were taken verbatim from the listings' subject headings."

In a lot of ways, The Corpse Project is like craigslist (or urban living for that matter) in a nutshell. I like the anonymity and the fact that this sort of thing can only happen in big, bad cities everywhere. It's like reading through all the graffiti written behind the doors of public restrooms or the pleas on bus seat covers of lonely people for "wanted sx/txtm8s."

Below is one of the found poems from the New York Times article.


you blue eyes and truck tee; me brown hair, flowered coat

last friday (april 22)
i was heading to dinner
with my sis
and val on
the A-C-E Uptown.

you stepped onto
the train
and were
with your semi-truck art tee
and corduroy blazer.

after some
intense eye contact
you whispered
and stepped off the train,
only to watch it pull away.

are you still out there?