Monday, July 14

Have you seen my claws lately?

Here's the deal: If for some reason you have managed to annoy the hell out of me, it is not advisable to call me kitty kat** or any other term of endearment which may sound cute to you. I do not respond to cuteness or cloying sweetness. It will only convince me of my right to ignore you. You will be referred to as "s/he who must not be named."*** I've said it once and I will say it again, I can be deadma. For sheer reason of survival, I will be a master in the art of deadma. You can either take that as evidence that I have a heart of stone or that I'm trying to hide behind my facade, but I really don't care. I have tons of resolve, and hell, you don't know me.

**Refer to kantogirl_logs.
***No, I am not a Harry Potter fan, and my heartbeat doesn't skip at the mention of "order of the phoenix."

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