Monday, February 4

Sarah Bunting of Tomato Nation writes about tech wars and the revenge of the luddites.

Sometimes I miss the old luddite me. Writing feels more like work when you do it longhand. A couple of years ago, I would consume an entire tablet of yellow paper just to write down my first drafts. After that I'd head to the nearest computer shop, preferably those that stay open all night, or at least until 3-4am. There aren't many shops like those now, and I do my drafts using Word like everybody else. I still have my notebooks and reams of recycled paper which I still use to write random stuff. I like paper, and I like the click-clack sounds typewriters make. But it'd be hell to type out entire scripts that way and re-type the whole thing for the second, third, nth drafts ad infinitum. Long live Word, yey.

[Actually, the Tomato Nation article is more about the inability to follow manuals for techie stuff, or anything that requires a manual. If there's one thing that I would probably not do for a living is be part of a tech support team. I don't have the skill, nor the patience. And yeah, troubleshooting is just so annoying. I just hate the "You've just described a problem that Microsoft Troubleshooting cannot solve. Please refer to our online tech support. That just sucks, much more than the busy signals you get when you try dialing such numbers. Argh.]

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