Wednesday, November 21

Some friends and I were discussing the Star Wars Phantom Edit the other night. Editors and audiences can now stage their own re-imaginings of films via the digital technology and the internet. There are lots of complaints about Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, and JarJar Binks is not the least of them. The Phantom Editor got rid of some annoying JarJar sequences, and even managed to make him seem wise via re-supplied dialogue. I have a sneaking suspicion that Episode 2 might be an even bigger fiasco. Attack of the Clones? It sounds like a B-movie, but I want to see it anyway. I haven't seen the trailer yet, but Mike says that theaters showing Monsters, Inc. would also show the Episode 2 teaser. Count me in on that. On my way home, I get off a block from my usual stop and I nearly ran into a lifesize replica of JarJar Binks standing outside a barbershop. I'm not kidding.

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