Thursday, December 5

Role reversals

Felicity: Julie, I'm really sorry that you heard that. I should have come to you, and told you something up front.
Julie: That would have been hard. I mean, how do you tell somebody you're trying to steal their boyfriend?
Felicity: That's not what I was doing.
Julie: God, I feel so stupid when I was asking you, if you thought there was another woman. I had no idea I was talking to her.
Felicity: Julie...
Julie: He's a good kisser, isn't he?
Felicity: I did not plan this. Julie. I am so sorry.
Julie: You know, I really don't care what the hell you are. You can be sorry or not, it doesn't matter to me. You're just a lying bitch.

I feel like doing a Felicity right now. To think that I spent eight months growing my hair. Which is the entire duration of my stupidity. It makes me want to go out and break some bones--theirs.

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