Monday, December 2

Okay, I am alive now. Still a bit dazed, but I am vertical and breathing. My weekend was packed. So last Saturday, I conned some of my friends into accompanying me to Sanctum for Cynthia Alexander's Intertwyne video launch. If we came early, we could get a free cd. But some people were late, and it was past nine when we walked from Cafea to the other side of the wall. All ten of us were crammed into those benches by the door. The last time we were there, which was also a Cynthia Alexander gig, we were right in front of the stage. This particular group of friends have a tendency to be rowdy, distance from the stage not withstanding.

I managed to get them subdued--well almost, but not all the time. I sincerely apologize to those other girls who thought my group was a bit loud. I liked the videos they showed, especially the one from a 5&up interview. Near the end of the performance Cynthia Alexander asked who had ticket # 31. It had to be in our group. I had them paw through the clutter of bottles and glasses on our table and under the cushions and seats. Laile brought out a crumpled ticket #31 from somewhere. I got my CD, had it signed, and I am one happy girl. Hehehe. If they said we were going to hell after the gig, I wouldn't have minded. Anyhow, we went to Malate after that. Since I was happy, I wanted to just hang around and dance, which we did until like 5am. Then I had to head home and sleep a couple of hours. I rushed out again just in time to go to my first godchild's baptism. The pastor had this brilliant idea of passing Stanlee Kubrick around to all the godparents. By the time the poor kid got to Erik, he must have been disoriented and scared of the long-haired goony looking guy. I would have--especially if my name is a mouthful. He came very near to becoming named "Zhang Kar-wai." But he stopped crying the moment he was back in his dad Sigfreid's arms. Astrid missed the ceremony because she had a cold.

Over lunch and all afternoon, just hung out with Pepper and JP at Sig's house. Much debate over the film homage vs. rip off issue. If we ran out of things to talk about, our catchbasin was a certain young director and all discussion would flow right out in a steady flow. Tiring weekend, but very much fun.

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