Friday, October 12

I do not take it as a complement that the ushers for the Cine Europa constantly ask me or one of my friends to show them our IDs. They seem to think that girls in comfy outfits and sneakers and backpacks automatically means under 18. I don't think it is stated anywhere that once you hit 18, girls should and would wear a. makeup, b. heeled shoes, c. yuppie skirts and blouses, d. carry bags so little as to contain one measly tube of lipstick. In the first place, we have no business wearing yuppie outfits. I can go to work wearing whatever--take that yuppie scum! And watching a movie doesn't really require so much fuss dressing up.

Yesterday, my friend Astrid was wearing a jacket with bunny ears, but said ears weren't on her head. They just thought, Hey this girl looks about twelve. We must protect her from the grown-up message of this movie. Well screw them. Don't they think that we've seen worse things than the situation in the film, ie, being trapped in an elevator?

Later, we checked the MTRCB ratings post (courtesy of Tita Marra, Kuya Nick, and uhm, Mr. Cervantes) and discovered that the elevator film is rated PG-13, for the "depiction of power, dominance and materialism." Ah, yes. Evil materialists.

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