Wednesday, July 27

See Heath Run

Here's Heath Ledger on the set of the forthcoming Brokeback Mountain, based on the short story (and novel?) by Annie Proulx.

I am soooo waiting for this movie! And if you visited this site earlier in the day, you would have seen Heath Ledger in all his glory. But, alas, that's just due to some technical glitch. Now there's a star covering the goodies. But if you click the link, you will see what I'm talking about. Happy browsing!

Linkie points to the unspoiled yummyness of Heath Ledger. Honestly, the only piece of news that made me want to stand up, clap and shout, "Thank you, Lord! Ang swirti ku talaga!" ala Yummy G. Brokeback Mountain is part of my reading list for my creative writing class. I wonder if they'd appreciate something, er, as interactive as this? Hehe.

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