Monday, April 16

Feast and Famine

Sorry, had to swipe the image off someone else's blog

Book #9 is Rosario Cruz Lucero's Feast and Famine: Stories of Negros. It took me over a year to finish reading this: I savored the stories over many lunch hours and coffee breaks, and as always, I am usually out of breath when I finish a story.

The last story from the collection that I read is the Composo of Hacienda Bayug. I like how one incident prompts the townspeople to comment on the story with other little stories of their own, giving you the bigger picture of the town, its history, whether all these stories are real or gossip or mere fodder for corner store story-telling.

I've read a few more books that I haven't blogged yet but read them earlier in the year. Mostly nonfiction, there's some Nick Joaquin, Pico Iyer, Fast Food Nation, Alain de Botton. Hope I'll get around to blogging these soon.

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